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Exogenous avian leukosis virus
The RealPCR ALV A/B/J RNA Mix is used for the detection of exogenous avian leukosis virus subgroups A, B and J RNA using the IDEX RealPCR platform. Samples can be run simultaneously with any other IDEXX RealPCR reagents using shared reagents and a single real-time PCR program.
* Availability / Distribution: China
Test details
- Detection of ALV A,B and J RNA
- Results in approximately 70 minutes
Part numbers and sizes
99-56488 (100 reactions)
Exogenous avian leukosis virus
Avian leukosis virus (ALV) can cause different neoplastic diseases, including lymphoid leukemia, erythroblastoma, and myeloblastoma. Exogenous avian leukosis virus can be transmitted horizontally between birds by direct or indirect contact, or vertically from infected hens via eggs. Viremia in hens is closely related to congenital transmission of the virus through egg whites. Endogenous leukemia virus sequences are present in the genome of most normal flocks.
Exogenous avian leukosis virus can be differentiated as subgroup A, B and J based on differences in the gp85 envelope protein. A diagnostic method which directly identifies exogenous viruses can help poultry producers to eradicate ALV more effectively. The RealPCR ALV A/B/J RNA Mix detects the main exogenous ALV subgroups A, B and J RNA and could help poultry producers to confirm whether poultry are infected with exogenous avian leukosis virus.
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